Install ZSocket files Please email if there are errors in this document. Unzip the ZSocket zip file Create a directory under CBuilder\Lib\Obj (or your CBuilder install path) called ZBuilder Copy the following files to the CBuilder\Lib\Obj\ZBuilder directory: ZSocket.h ZSocket.obj ZSocket.hlp ZSocket.cnt ZSocket.dcr Copy comic.ttf to your windows\fonts directory (if you don’t have this font you NEED it) CBuilder Install Choose Component|Install menu Choose Add Choose Browse Find the above \Cbuilder\Lib\Obj\ZBuilder directory Find the ZSocket.obj file Make sure the Search path points to your new zbuilder directory: $(BCB)\Lib;$(BCB)\Lib\Obj;$(BCB)\Lib\Obj\ZBuilder Choose OK and everything should recompile. You should have a Zbuilder tab on your component palette. ZSocket should have it's own icon on that palette. NOTE: If you have already installed ZSocket once, use the remove button to remove the older version first.